It started back in 2007 with my wife Gloria saying, "We should look at getting a place in Cabo let's go on a holiday and leave the kids at home" I don't know how it happened, but we end up vacationing in Belize. Since then I have been totally preoccupied with the thought of buying land and building a retirement dream home. Now 50 acres later, it looks like it just might happen.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Look Kids??

    About three years after our first vacation and subsequently buying some land, we decided to take the kids for some diving and other various Belize adventures. Besides, I wanted to show them the fifty acres of jungle we now own.

    What? Where are all the palm trees?? I remembered palm trees!! Big sprawling Cohune palms. Did someone cut them down, thatch their roof, and eat the heart?

    OK, relax, I guess there are some palms just back on the one back corner where the Realtor showed me. There is only one thing I can do about that and I can't do it right now while on vacation with the wife and kids.

    But I did get to spent a day walking the survey cut lines and exploring just to satisfy my curiosity. Wow, how cool our own little jungle, minus the palm trees.

    My brain started grinding out a plan to come back soon and do some planting. The sooner I plant the sooner there will be big sprawling palm trees.